How Can You Extend the Life of Fruits and Vegetables?

How Can You Extend the Life of Fruits and Vegetables?

Freeze dryer is an effective way to prolong the life of fruits and vegetables. Thanks to this technology, the natural properties, taste and nutritional value of fruits and vegetables are preserved, while at the same time long-term storage is provided.

With the Freeze dryer, you can follow the steps below to extend the life of fruits and vegetables:


  • Choose Fresh and Quality Products: For the best results with the Freeze dryer, you should choose fresh, ripe and quality fruits and vegetables. Choosing the ones that are intact, intact and at ideal maturity will ensure better results.


  • Cleaning and Preparation: Thoroughly wash the fruits and vegetables of your choice and peel them if necessary. Then you can slice or chop it. It may also be necessary to separate the fruit from the seeds. These steps allow the products to dry faster and more homogeneously in the freeze dryer.


  • Placing in the Freeze Dryer: Place the fruits and vegetables you have prepared on the shelves of the freeze dryer in an orderly manner. Grouping fruits and vegetables of the same type on the same shelf will make the drying process more organized and efficient.


  • Drying Process: Start the drying process of fruits and vegetables using the Freeze dryer. This process may vary depending on the type and quantity of the product. Ensure optimum conditions by controlling the temperature and time settings of the drying process. In general, lower temperature and prolonged drying give better results.


  • Storage of Dried Products: When the drying process is complete, the fruits and vegetables become frozen and dried. At this stage, it is important to store the dried products in airtight containers or vacuum bags. Thus, you can increase the durability of the products by keeping them away from moisture.