

Freeze dry (lyophilization) method is a drying method with many advantages. Here are some advantages of freeze dry:

Preserved Nutritional Value: Freeze dry preserves the structures and nutritional values of nutrients by drying at low temperatures. This method ensures that the vitamins, minerals and other nutritional components contained in the foods are largely preserved. This ensures that the nutritional value of dried foods is close to that of fresh foods.

Long Shelf Life: Freeze dry process ensures that water is completely removed from the substance. This ensures that foods have a long shelf life. Dried foods are less affected by environmental factors such as light, humidity and oxygen and can usually be stored for years.

Lightness and Easy Storage: The Freeze dry process results in a significant weight reduction by removing water from the food. This makes dried foods light and easy to transport and store. In addition, the volume of dried foods is reduced, which provides an advantage in terms of storage space.

Rehydratability: Foods dried with the Freeze dry process can be rehydrated by adding water. This feature makes the use of dried foods easy and practical. Foods return to their original consistency and flavor by adding water.

Intense Taste and Aroma: The freeze dry process causes the flavor and aroma components to condense, along with the evaporation of water in the food. This creates a rich flavor and aroma profile in dried foods.

Decreased Microorganism Activity: The Freeze dry process provides low temperature and low humidity conditions that inhibit the growth and reproduction of microorganisms. This makes dried foods more resistant to microbial spoilage.

These advantages are the main reasons why the freeze dry method is widely preferred in the food industry, pharmaceutical industry, biomedical research and many other fields.